2023 Diary
Pew Leaflet - 29 January 2023
Parish Dinner & 123 Club Draw on Friday 24th Februrary at 5.30pm ~ Please join us for some fellowship. You do not have to belong to the 123 Club to join us for dinner. There is a R50 contribution towards the catering costs. Please put your name on the Noticeboard or let Kerry know if you will be attending
Confirmation 2023 ~ to those interested in being Confirmed please give your name to the parish office
Baptisms ~contact parish office or speak to Revd Andrew
Sacristans ~ If you wish to prepare the Altar, Credence Table and Altar Frontals and take care of sacred vessels, candles, wine, wafers and vestments for our worhips services please contact the Parish Office
Lay ministers ~ Please contact Revd Andrew or the parish office if you wish to become more involved in pastoral duties
(Answers will be in next week’s leaflet)
Previous week’s Challenge answers
Worship is the cornerstone of our being and we conduct at least three Communion services a week as well as regular prayer meetings and Bible Study.
Special ‘Godly Play’ takes place each Sunday for our younger members. Fun and fellowship is not neglected with frequent get-togethers in the form of Supper Clubs,
Ladies and Men’s Breakfasts and any excuse for a party. A special prayer room is situated at the back of the Church and is open all day for the benefit of those seeking a time of quiet and reflection.
Our facilities are available for baptisms, weddings, funerals or other special services. Our church hall, able to accommodate 100 people can be booked for meetings or such occasions.
We offer our time, talents and resources to God’s service and in love to our neighbours.
Our Rector and shepherd is Revd. Dr Andrew Warmback who can be contacted through the office.
The Church office is open from 8am to 12.30 on weekdays. Please feel free to give us a call.